I specialize in.

Statistics & Pogramming

Statistics & Pogramming

Master of Science in Statistics
Disinformation Detection (NLP & ML)
Python, SQL, SPSS, MLwiN, Git

Social Data

Social Data

Master of Science in Psychology
Specialized in social networks, psychometrics & research design

Web Data

Web Data

Expertise in web/log data analytics, online marketing (SEM, CRO, A/B testing) & market research methodologies

Soft skills

Soft skills

Project management
Data visualisation
& Communication

Techstars: 1st Place

Techstars: 1st Place

Idea validation, market research and UX for an application that trains users in the never-ending tug of war between our self discipline and instant gratification from services such as social media, netflix and deliveroo.

Techstars startup hackathon

1st Place

1st Place at the 54hrs startup weekend hackathon organized by international accelerator and operational investor TechStars_ in cooperation with UtrechtInc Incubator.

Brightlands: 2nd Place

Brightlands: 2nd Place

We developed a new dynamic UI that creates a personalized ‘risk factors ranking’, linking this to the most relevant but poorly found site content. Resulting in a personalized risk-based UI for entrepreneurs.

Brightlands Data Hackathon

2nd Place

2nd Place at the Brightlands international Data Hackathon 2018.
A large international, 48hrs, Data Science Hackathon with 170 competitors and € 60.000 in prize money hosted by Brightlands, sponsored by Accenture, Kamer van Koophandel & Politie Nederland.

my pet projects, blog and sketches.


Get the advantages of psychology’s CBM anti-addiction methodologies adapted for everyday temptations such as ordering junk food, skipping the gym or spending too much time on social media.

betterbias project steven data analist portfolio

Visit betterbias.com for a detailed explanation, or download the app directly from your app store.


Easier and faster way to lookup or translate content using Google Translate, Urban dictionary and Wikipedia.

easy lookup tool macos github steven peutz
  • no more back and forth tab-switching
  • works from every browser and most applications
  • privacy friendly (no cookies or logged in accounts)
  • forever free and open source

my blog

Statistical Tests — When to use Which?

Here is a simple in-browser tool I made that helps you find the appropriate statistical test for your specific research design, variables and datatypes

Reducing quant UX research’ sampling bias through Iterative Proportional Fitting

Iterative proportional fitting can help us correct for sampling bias in our UX surveys. IPF explained and applied.

Scaling UX/CSat survey-based measurement through Factor Analysis & regression

A method for scaling survey-based CSat measurement with high costs and low cadence to a quick data-driven CSat estimation tool

sketches & drawings

Aside from little analytics, UX or development projects I enjoy drawing as a hobby to relax.

my experience.

Happiest when working where data analytics, research and psychology intersect.

June 2023 - current
Ministerie BZKData Analyst
March 2019 - Nov 2021
Facebook / MetaRisk Management & Intelligence Analyst, Global Ops
July 2014 - Feb 2019
UWVWeb Data Analyst
Dec 2014 - Dec 2018
BlauBlock®cofounder, developer, marketeer
mar 2013 - July 2014
the Customer ConnectionResearcher

contact me.

Statistics, Python & SQL

Advanced SQL for Data Scientists
View Certificate

University of Michigan | Python Data Structures
View Certificate

Microsoft DS  DAT203.1x
View Certificate

Duke University | Math skills for Data Science
View Certificate

Advanced NLP using Python for ML
View Certificate

John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health | The Data Scientist’s Toolbox
View Certificate

University of Michigan | Using python to access web data
View Certificate

IBM Data Analysis with Python
View Certificate

Duke University | Mastering Data Analysis in Excel
View Certificate

UX Research & Marketing

Growthtribe’s AI for Marketing
View Certificate

University of Michigan | UX Research at Scale
View Certificate

Facebook Marketing Science Professional Certification
View Meta Marketing Science Professional Certificate

Google Online Marketing (EURES)
View Certificate

Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ)
View Certificate (2017)
View Certificate (2018)

Google Advanced Analytics
View Certificate (2017)
View Certificate (2018)

Google Ads Certification
View Certificate search
View Certificate display

Facebook Blueprint / IQ
View Facebook IQ Marketing Insights Certificate
View Targeting Custom Audiences Certificate
View Evaluating with Facebook Pixel Certificate

Davis University | Advanced SEO Strategies
View Certificate

University of Maryland | Usable Security
View Certificate

Data Privacy & Security

NCOI | GDPR (AVG) & Data Protection
View Certificate

University of Maryland | Usable Security
View Certificate

Yonsei University | Big Data & Cloud Computing Technologies
View Certificate

NCOI Big Data, Fintech & Data Privacy
View Certificate (Big Data)
View Certificate (FinTech)

University of Adelaide | Cyberwar Surveillance & Security
View Certificate

Packt Publishing & Udemy | Kali Security Pentesting
View Certificate

Foundations of Cybersecurity | Coursera & Google
View Certificate

Comms & Soft Skills

NCOI Lean Six Sigma
View Certificate

University of Colorado, Boulder | Graphic Design
View Certificate

Infotopics | Data Visuaization & Tableau

Kaber Groep | Non-Verbal Communication

Rice University |Business Applications of HT and CI Estimation
View Certificate

Duke University | Business Metrics for Data-Driven Companies
View Certificate

Cambridge Advanced English | CEFR level C2, Grade A

VijfhartIT | Communication Skills for Scrum